
Project ID: 88472

Project Packages

Name Last Build Version Last Build Submitted Last Build Status Automatic Build Actions
android-tools 1:34.0.4-13 2 months ago failed Disabled -
bear 3.1.3-5 2 months ago succeeded Disabled -
bloaty 1.1-27 2 months ago succeeded Disabled -
buildstream 1.6.9-8 2 months ago failed Disabled -
caffe 1.0^git20200212.9b89154-10 2 months ago succeeded Disabled -
chatty 0.8.1-1 2 months ago succeeded Disabled -
clementine 1.4.0~rc2-8 2 months ago succeeded Disabled -
cockatrice 2.9.0-4 2 months ago succeeded Disabled -
credentials-fetcher 1.3.6-1 2 months ago succeeded Disabled -
criu 3.19-4 2 months ago succeeded Disabled -
CuraEngine 1:5.4.0-4 2 months ago failed Disabled -
CuraEngine_grpc_definitions 0.1.0-5 2 months ago succeeded Disabled -
dmlite 1.15.2-20 2 months ago succeeded Disabled -
dnsdist 1.8.3-3 2 months ago failed Disabled -
electrum 4.5.2-1 2 months ago failed Disabled -
et 6.2.1-12 2 months ago failed Disabled -
evolution-data-server 3.51.2-1 2 months ago succeeded Disabled -
fastnetmon 1.2.1-16.20220528git420e7b8 2 months ago failed Disabled -
fcitx5-mozc 2.17.2102.102.1-33 2 months ago succeeded Disabled -
frr 9.1-2 2 months ago failed Disabled -
gazebo - - not built yet Disabled -
golang-github-gogo-protobuf - - not built yet Disabled -
golang-github-googleapis-gnostic - - not built yet Disabled -
golang-google-protobuf 1.31.0-7 2 months ago succeeded Disabled -
grpc 1.60.0-1 3 months ago succeeded Disabled -
HepMC3 - - not built yet Disabled -
hidviz - - not built yet Disabled -
ignition-msgs - - not built yet Disabled -
ignition-transport - - not built yet Disabled -
kata-containers - - not built yet Disabled -
kf5-kitinerary - - not built yet Disabled -
kismet - - not built yet Disabled -
kitinerary - - not built yet Disabled -
kosmindoormap - - not built yet Disabled -
libarcus 5.3.0-3 2 months ago succeeded Disabled -
libarrow 15.0.0-2 2 months ago succeeded Disabled -
libcompizconfig - - not built yet Disabled -
libopenshot - - not built yet Disabled -
liborc 1.9.2-5 2 months ago succeeded Disabled -
libphonenumber 8.13.30-1 3 months ago succeeded Disabled -
libzypp - - not built yet Disabled -
lutris - - not built yet Disabled -
marble - - not built yet Disabled -
mingw-opencv - - not built yet Disabled -
mirrormanager2 - - not built yet Disabled -
mmsd-tng - - not built yet Disabled -
mosh - - not built yet Disabled -
mozc - - not built yet Disabled -
mumble - - not built yet Disabled -
mypaint - - not built yet Disabled -
mysql8.0 - - not built yet Disabled -
mysql-connector-java - - not built yet Disabled -
nanopb - - not built yet Disabled -
ncid - - not built yet Disabled -
netavark - - not built yet Disabled -
netdata - - not built yet Disabled -
OliveTin - - not built yet Disabled -
onnx - - not built yet Disabled -
onnxruntime - - not built yet Disabled -
opencv 4.9.0-2 2 months ago succeeded Disabled -
opentrep - - not built yet Disabled -
osgearth - - not built yet Disabled -
osmpbf - - not built yet Disabled -
paraview - - not built yet Disabled -
pdns - - not built yet Disabled -
pdns-recursor - - not built yet Disabled -
perl-Alien-ProtoBuf - - not built yet Disabled -
perl-grpc-xs - - not built yet Disabled -
plasma-dialer - - not built yet Disabled -
pokerth - - not built yet Disabled -
protobuf 3.25.1-3 3 months ago succeeded Disabled -
protobuf-c 1.5.0-3 3 months ago succeeded Disabled -
protozero - - not built yet Disabled -
pychromecast - - not built yet Disabled -
python-aioesphomeapi - - not built yet Disabled -
python-axolotl - - not built yet Disabled -
python-carbon - - not built yet Disabled -
python-google-api-core - - not built yet Disabled -
python-googleapis-common-protos - - not built yet Disabled -
python-google-cloud-access-approval - - not built yet Disabled -
python-google-cloud-access-context-manager - - not built yet Disabled -
python-google-cloud-api-gateway - - not built yet Disabled -
python-google-cloud-apigee-connect - - not built yet Disabled -
python-google-cloud-appengine-admin - - not built yet Disabled -
python-google-cloud-asset - - not built yet Disabled -
python-google-cloud-automl - - not built yet Disabled -
python-google-cloud-bigquery - - not built yet Disabled -
python-google-cloud-bigquery-connection - - not built yet Disabled -
python-google-cloud-bigquery-datatransfer - - not built yet Disabled -
python-google-cloud-bigquery-reservation - - not built yet Disabled -
python-google-cloud-bigquery-storage - - not built yet Disabled -
python-google-cloud-bigtable - - not built yet Disabled -
python-google-cloud-billing - - not built yet Disabled -
python-google-cloud-billing-budgets - - not built yet Disabled -
python-google-cloud-build - - not built yet Disabled -
python-google-cloud-common - - not built yet Disabled -
python-google-cloud-container - - not built yet Disabled -
python-google-cloud-containeranalysis - - not built yet Disabled -
python-google-cloud-datacatalog - - not built yet Disabled -
python-google-cloud-data-fusion - - not built yet Disabled -
python-google-cloud-dataproc - - not built yet Disabled -
python-google-cloud-dataproc-metastore - - not built yet Disabled -
python-google-cloud-debugger-client - - not built yet Disabled -
python-google-cloud-deploy - - not built yet Disabled -
python-google-cloud-dlp - - not built yet Disabled -
python-google-cloud-dms - - not built yet Disabled -
python-google-cloud-domains - - not built yet Disabled -
python-google-cloud-filestore - - not built yet Disabled -
python-google-cloud-firestore - - not built yet Disabled -
python-google-cloud-functions - - not built yet Disabled -
python-google-cloud-iam - - not built yet Disabled -
python-google-cloud-kms - - not built yet Disabled -
python-google-cloud-org-policy - - not built yet Disabled -
python-google-cloud-os-config - - not built yet Disabled -
python-google-cloud-private-ca - - not built yet Disabled -
python-google-cloud-pubsub - - not built yet Disabled -
python-google-cloud-redis - - not built yet Disabled -
python-google-cloud-shell - - not built yet Disabled -
python-google-cloud-source-context - - not built yet Disabled -
python-google-cloud-spanner - - not built yet Disabled -
python-grafeas - - not built yet Disabled -
python-grpc-google-iam-v1 - - not built yet Disabled -
python-limits - - not built yet Disabled -
python-omemo-backend-signal - - not built yet Disabled -
python-opencensus-proto - - not built yet Disabled -
python-opentelemetry - - not built yet Disabled -
python-proto-plus - - not built yet Disabled -
python-pytest-grpc - - not built yet Disabled -
python-sentry-sdk - - not built yet Disabled -
python-steam - - not built yet Disabled -
python-torch - - not built yet Disabled -
qgis - - not built yet Disabled -
qt5-qtpbfimageformat - - not built yet Disabled -
qt6-qtgrpc - - not built yet Disabled -
raceintospace - - not built yet Disabled -
ricochet - - not built yet Disabled -
root - - not built yet Disabled -
rust-prost-build - - not built yet Disabled -
spacebar - - not built yet Disabled -
srpc - - not built yet Disabled -
strawberry - - not built yet Disabled -
usbguard - - not built yet Disabled -
vlc - - not built yet Disabled -
yara - - not built yet Disabled -
Possible build states importing - Package sources are being imported into Copr DistGit.
pending - Build is waiting in queue for a backend worker.
starting - Backend worker is trying to acquire a builder machine.
running - Build in progress.
succeeded - Successfully built.
forked - Build has been forked from another build.
skipped - This package was skipped, see the reason for each chroot separately.
failed - Build failed. See logs for more details.
canceled - The build has been cancelled manually.
waiting - Task is waiting for something else to finish.