
Project ID: 94961


Python script that gets data from the source and converts them to Google spreadsheet as it is defined in the configuration file.

Installation Instructions

To install the package, use these commands:

sudo dnf copr enable aries/syncit sudo dnf install syncit

Active Releases

The following unofficial repositories are provided as-is by owner of this project. Contact the owner directly for bugs or issues (IE: not bugzilla).

Release Architectures Repo Download
Fedora 37 x86_64 (2)* Fedora 37 (0 downloads)
Fedora 38 x86_64 (13)* Fedora 38 (0 downloads)
Fedora 39 x86_64 (4)* Fedora 39 (18 downloads)
Fedora 40 x86_64 (0)* Fedora 40 (4 downloads)
Fedora rawhide x86_64 (2)* Fedora rawhide (24 downloads)

* Total number of downloaded packages.